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Cardboard box burst line high incidence period! Practical skills of explosion-proof line

1. The moisture content of the hemp boxes to be processed is too low (the cardboard is too dry)
This is the main reason why cigarette box bursts. When the moisture content of cigarette box is low, the problem of bursting will occur. Generally, when the moisture content is lower than 6% (preferably controlled at 8%–14%), this problem will be very obvious. Because when the moisture content decreases, the fiber of the cigarette paper box shrinks, the flexibility decreases, the brittleness increases, and the tensile, impact resistance, folding resistance and other properties become worse, especially when the moisture content is lower than 5%, the cardboard loses its toughness; resulting in explosion line problem occurs.

2. The influence of the base paper used for cigarette boxes
The type and strength of the base paper used in hemp box will have a certain impact on the problem of cigarette box bursting. The type and strength of base paper are generally distinguished according to the source of wood pulp used in the paper, the variety of wood pulp, and the level of wood pulp content. Therefore, there is also a lot of knowledge in the purchase of base paper, and we must focus on the quality of raw materials rather than the price.

3. The influence of the thickness of cigarette boxes
In actual production, it is found that the thickness of cigarette boxes exerts a certain influence on the problem of cigarette boxes bursting. The thicker the cigarette box, the greater the displacement of the surface layer and the inner layer of the cardboard under pressure deformation during the slitting and pressing. Therefore, the variety of cardboard also accounts for part of the reason.

Post time: Oct-24-2022