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Solution–how to remedy pre-roll box cardboard burst

In actual production, various reasons cause the low moisture content of cigarette box. Once the line is cut and pressed, the line burst will occur. At this time, the following two measures can be taken:

1. Cigarette box humidity conditioning treatment
Put a large batch of hemp box to be processed in a closed room, and use an air humidifier to absorb moisture, so as to avoid the problem of line bursting during slitting and pressing; ) Evenly wipe one side of the cigarette box with burst line, or wipe the inside of the pre-roll box to prevent the cardboard from warping, so that both sides absorb moisture evenly, and the effect of no burst line can also be achieved.
2. Adjust the gap between the upper and lower pressure rollers
cigarette case (5)
When slitting and crimping, adjust the upper and lower crimping rollers to the crimping position, and adjust the gap appropriately, so that the cigarette box at the crimping line has been properly crushed before the cardboard crimping line, and the thickness of the cigarette box at this place becomes thinner, thereby reducing the thickness of the cigarette box. Reduces the possibility of burst lines.
In real-time production, the moisture content of the cigarette box is supplemented or retained, so that the cigarette box or cardboard has enough moisture, thereby reducing the probability of the cardboard bursting. Measures such as reducing or zero preheating, external spray humidification, and appropriately increasing the amount of glue can be used. At the same time, the amount of borax can be reduced and industrial salt can be added in the glue formula.

cigarette box pre roll box

Post time: Oct-24-2022