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Teach you how to solve the problem of dirty printing box plate

Teach you how to solve the problem of dirty printing box plate

During the printing process, sometimes there will be dirty faults on the printing plate layout. The more common ones are the image dots smearing, the paste version, the layout is dirty, and the floating ink is dirty. This paper will analyze the causes of these faults and propose corresponding treatment measures

Stencil refers to the gradual shrinking of graphic and text dots on the hemp box printing plate during the cigarette box printing process, and the phenomenon of graying on the solid part. The influencing factors include fountain solution, ink, cigarette box paper and machine friction.

Cigarettes case

The fountain solution is too acidic or the water on the layout is too large
Treatment measures: The pH of the fountain solution should be checked frequently during cigarette box printing. Nowadays, more advanced hemp box printing machines have automatic control devices for the pH value of the fountain solution. Therefore, there are relatively few failures caused by improper pH values, and it is necessary to pay attention to the water consumption of the layout. In addition, inks with different ink properties need different acidic fountain solutions to adapt to them, and should be adjusted when using.

Too much pressure between the water roller and the layout
Treatment measures:Readjust the pressure between the water roller and the cigarette box printing plate.

Ink supply effect is not good
Treatment measures:For the former, the pressure between the inking roller and the hemp box printing plate should be readjusted; for the latter, an appropriate amount of diluent can be added to the ink, and the ink supply of the ink path can be increased at the same time.

Excessive pressure between rollers
Treatment measures:Check whether the pressure of the roller is too high, measure whether the thickness of the hemp box and plate liner is appropriate, and pay attention to check whether the cigarette box is locally uneven.

Cigarettes box

Ink is too thin
Treatment measures:After adding the additive, there is a paste phenomenon, which may be due to poor cigarette box, which cannot be solved by increasing the moisture content of the layout. The dark ink needs to be replaced with new ink or some new ink is added, and the gum arabic liquid in the fountain solution can be added; the light ink can be appropriately added with thick ink, and the dark part can be dipped in syrup and glue when cigarette box the layout of the plate. Wipe it hard, and the light-colored part can be dipped in glue first and then dipped in a small amount of liquid medicine.

Post time: Nov-14-2022