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The role of paper packaging box in the economy

Packaging is an integral part of the product
Commodities refer to labor products that are used for exchange and can satisfy certain needs of people.
Commodities have two attributes: use value and value. In order to realize the exchange of commodities in modern society, there must be the participation of packaging. Commodity is the combination of product and packaging. Products produced by any enterprise cannot enter the market without packaging and cannot become commodities. So say: commodity = product + packaging.
In the process of goods flowing from the production site to the consumption field, there are links such as loading and unloading, transportation, storage, etc. The product packaging should be reliable, applicable, beautiful and economical.
(1) Packaging can effectively protect the product
With the continuous development of marketing activities, goods must go through transportation, storage, sales and other links to be sent to all parts of the country and even the world. In order to avoid the deterioration of commodities under the influence of sunlight, oxygen in the air, harmful gases, temperature and humidity during the circulation process; in order to prevent the commodities from being affected by shock, vibration, pressure, rolling, and falling during transportation and storage. Quantitative losses; in order to resist the invasion of various external factors such as microorganisms, insects, and rodents; in order to prevent hazardous products from threatening the surrounding environment and people who come into contact, scientific packaging must be carried out to protect the integrity of the quantity and quality of goods. the goal of. Macaroon box
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(2) Packaging can promote the circulation of goods
Packaging is one of the main tools for commodity circulation, and there are almost no products that can leave the factory without packaging. In the process of commodity circulation, if there is no packaging, it will inevitably increase the difficulty of shipping and storage. Therefore, packaging products according to a certain quantity, shape, and size specification is convenient for the inventory, counting and inventory of goods; it can improve the utilization rate of transportation tools and warehouses. In addition, there are obvious storage and transportation signs on the packaging of the products, such as “Handle with care”, “Beware of getting wet”, “Do not turn upside down” and other text and graphic instructions, which brings great convenience to the transportation and storage of various commodities. Cake box

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(3) Packaging can promote and expand the sales of goods
Modern commodity packaging with novel design, beautiful appearance and bright colors can greatly beautify the commodity, attract consumers, and leave a good impression in consumers’ minds, thereby stimulating consumers’ desire to buy. Therefore, commodity packaging can play a role in winning and occupying the market, expanding and promoting commodity sales.
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(4)Packaging can facilitate and guide consumption
The sales package of the product is sold to consumers together with the product. Appropriate packaging is convenient for consumers to carry, store and use. At the same time, graphics and words are used on the sales package to introduce the performance, use and usage of the product, so that consumers can grasp the characteristics, use and preservation of the product, and play a role in correctly guiding consumption.
In short, packaging plays a role in protecting products, facilitating storage and transportation, promoting sales, and facilitating use in the fields of commodity production, circulation, and consumption. Cookie box

Post time: Oct-24-2022